I stopped watching almost all the superhero movies. Especially to the young, they solely convey the message that humanity's problems can only be solved by cartoon characters. What I'd like to see are more realistic, non-law enforcement, characters (especially Cypherpunks and Zombie Patriots) who through technology (e.g., crypto currencies, anonymous communications and anon prediction markets), planning, weapons and tradecraft can right some of the world's wrongs, eliminate as many of the corrupt and treacherous as practical, or better yet destroy the systems that create and sustain them.

It seems Hollywood generally stays well away from this topic. The unspoken message is that Western economic and (especially) political systems while not perfect are as the as good as mankind is likely to get and any notion they are not and might need major change or replacement cannot be tolerated. About the only recent movie I am aware that crossed this rubicon was "Law Abiding Citizen" (2009), staring Gerard Butler.

On Wed, Mar 25, 2020 at 12:19 PM Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tanaka@gmail.com> wrote:
I think everybody knows I am an old school nerd, who likes my comics, movies, series, books, anime, whatever, with good stories and interesting characters.

This kind of stupid hypocrisy really makes me deeply sick.

Sorry, "New Warriors" is very *offensive* in several ways, not "inclusive".  




OK, we have overweight, women, men, non-binary, Black, White, and Latin heroes, probably at least one of them will be gay/lesbian and/or disabled too in the next editions, but we do NOT have good characters and  - For Darwin' sake!!! -  a good story to be told...  (+_+)*

Pardon, how can I respect heroes named "Safespace" and "Snowflake"?!?!  :-/

My conclusion about this f_cking waste of time?  >> 目がくさる !  >:(

(Hey, and where are the Asians, uh?  Hahahahaha!!!  ;D)

Ceci, feeling "vergonha alheia"...  (Brazilian expression that means I am feeling very ashamed for someone or something, like these horrible SJW comics.)