The way I think this could work is legislatures should establish a "friction-free" market penetration percentage (the point at which the difficulty of a participant great lessens due to network effects). When a participant exceeds this threshold their market competitors can sue in federal court to have the market leader stripped of their IP used in that market. On Fri, Jul 20, 2018, 6:23 PM juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, 20 Jul 2018 16:06:00 -0700 Steven Schear <schear.steve@gmail.com> wrote:
Instead of fining Google, if the EU really wants to set and example of
to reign in monopolies, they should recind the IP privilege they granted Google by stripping them of their copyrights (and perhaps patents).
strip them of patents, copyright and throw the assholes in jail...for being an arm of the government? Hmmm. Not likely to happen.
So the government 'fines' google, and google pays using the money they steal from the public. Guess what? among many other criminal activties, google is a tax collector.