# 2023-10-01T19:09:27-04:00.txt Traffick Boss climbs into a seaship and hauls a huge [box of tackle?] a giant crate. A BIG CRATE! On Traffick Boss's back -- -- 2023-10-01T19:10:10-04:00 -- More crate hauling. ------------- Traffick Boss clones himself. An army of Traffick Bosses march down the street. With the new self-cloning business technology, Traffick Boss is able to try different personalities on --- -- -- 2023-10-01T19:11:58-04:00 -- hunkers down in cave counts fingers 1 2 3 three are there next to the three fingers are blurry visual cortex signals it's hard to tell if they are fingers or not. are they ????????????????? -- 2023-10-01T19:12:44-04:00 -- executive assistant [rudely trafficked]: "traffick boss, god of our world, we would love to tell you about the area of your vision you are having trouble processing but --" -- 2023-10-01T19:13:18-04:00 -- oooooooooooooooooooooooops oops oops oops blurgh what??? hummmmmmmmm ------------------------------------ welcome to being confused. Welcome! You are near Confused, a land of surprises and puzzles! It seems to go on and on and on. Confused has denizens -- ----------- Welcome back to Confused. If you don't want denizens, would you rather icecream? Traffick Boss sits down in Confused at an Ice Cream Place -- -- 2023-10-01T19:14:45-04:00 -- ------------- How many numbers are there? An encyclopedia of imaginary counting. -- 2023-10-01T19:15:08-04:00 -- People often wonder as to quantities. They wonder so much, they invented numbers, and numbers only facilitated further wondering. These things have become so large, numbers and wondering how much something is, that it [has become central to the introduction of the concept in education to describe how many numbers there are -- -- 2023-10-01T19:16:14-04:00 -- 83 numbers - SO. Recently we made a breakthrough -- we figured out the square roots of fruit. This has been a frequent challenge for arbitrarily trained AI -- what is the square root of an apple? The answer is for example, a pear, or an apple seed. In order to find the correct square root of a fruit, one must describe the fruit in terms of its summed compnents, and take the proper square root of them. For example you could describe an apple in terms of how many cells it has -- where each quantity is the coefficient of a value that represents the actual cell. For example, if you had part of an apple consisting of 4 cells of apple flesh or apple skin or apple seed part, you could say you had (4) * (apple flesh cells). This value can then have its square root found as a function of the quantity (apple flesh cell). Further, however, we can then do the same to the cells themselves -- and descr -- 2023-10-01T19:19:16-04:00 -- {"ditem": ["VVFaaQ5k-BLfdJ5H6HHL9PurerHgD0e7gicJx-j20cc"], "min_block": [1273061, "uqM9vV2dtUh4UK5L1KH_Wrc6PQxXMOHYaHDtyZt6K8zudpPgaEinigkMwTgEAK8d"], "api_timestamp": 1696202372697}