https://twitter.com/NameRedacted247 https://www.racket.news/p/capsule-summaries-of-all-twitter https://taibbi.substack.com/p/capsule-summaries-of-all-twitter
From CensorBans to Guns and Crypto, the Democrats are nothing more than a criminal gang of street thugs that need to be arrested for their multitude of high crimes against all Americans...
https://twitter.com/UngaTheGreat/status/1640878449207246848 Joe Rogan: Privacy Violations & AI Limitations "It's a real problem that I don't think most people are even available or aware of. It's a giant issue that we experienced right now with this whole digital world." https://twitter.com/nypost/status/1640570299342094338 Dr Naomi Wolf @naomirwolf Do the Democrats (for whom I am embarrassed to say I voted) have no shortage of ways with which they are trying to intimidate journalists and suspend 1A rights? Shameful. New York Post @nypost IRS visited Twitter Files journalist Matt Taibbi’s home same day as congressional testimony trib.al/bfbagmc https://twitter.com/DschlopesIsBack/status/1640815198645678086 Gain of Fauci @DschlopesIsBack Event 201 - November 4th, 2019: Segment on counteracting disinformation. This helped pave the way for all of the unjust, tyrannical Covid censorship that we watched sweep across social media... including Twitter under the old regime. Much of this has been exposed by Matt… Microsoft Bing's Chat-GPT believes that Hunter Biden's work for CEFC China Energy undermined US alliances, boosted China's economic and military power, and endangered US national security. 10% for the big guy?