On 05/24/2017 07:33 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
Ps. I wouldn't suppose a single one of you has ever actually read one of Fleming's books. Hey, grumpy boy! I read them when I was a kid and I can prove it. The books are still in my parents' house and I think they have a pic of me with their books. My parents do love 007 and I grew up
On Wed, May 24, 2017 at 9:44 PM, Razer <g2s@riseup.net> wrote: listening to all the soundtracks and watching all the movies with them. When I was a kid, I wanted to be an astronaut, a scientist, a painter, a builder, a teacher, a doctor, and the future spy 009. I wanted all the James Bond's weapons, amazing equipments, and fabulous cars, so I decided to study to be like him and read some Fleming's books. I didn't understand very much about the books (cof cof, almost nothing, cof cof!), but noticed they were _not_ good manuals to a future 6 or 7 years old spy. :P
I wanted to be the number 009 because of the 'manga' (Japanese comics): "Cyborg 009" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyborg_009). It's was much older than me and I read only some chapters in my now deceased uncle's house, but it revolted me a lot. It was desperately sad to imagine an organization destroying lives, killing people in search of the perfect cyborg. Eight people hurt, eight lives destroyed in experiences to gain powers and abilities, knew only for numbers, not anymore for their names, with no freedom, only orders... but the Cyborg 009 was perfect, so the organization could use him to be the perfect killer. Fortunately, he kept his moral conscience and run away, trying to escape this destiny.
Hmm... I need to discover what happened with all those poor cyborgs, their adventures, memories, and traumas. And I need to read Fleming again, now as an adult. Fortunately, now I understand why the girls like James Bond so much... Charming guys are pretty dangerous! :P
Ps. Cop movies (and ESPECIALLY teevee shows) will have you think cops are invincible. Bond movies (and ESPECIALLY spy teevee shows) will have you think intel services are invincible. All MIndwash.
"Charming guys are pretty dangerous!"
Bars, especially FERN BARS and upscale 'clubs', are full of them. They're call Sociopaths.