On Dec 6, 2016 1:29 AM, "Mirimir" <mirimir@riseup.net> wrote:
> It's funny. I didn't see her post :( She must have quoted one of the trolls. So that's the downside of filtering on both sender and body.

Well, for now, I am sending directly to the trash Zzz messages and Juan's to the spam box because I still like him a bit.  You know, I never was a smart girl, haha!  ;)

Hey, do you want to laugh, Mirimir?  Someone was telling me that Zzz is making a huge drama about "Assange's possible death" to get some attention.  Should I tell him that Assange is alive, but insignificant fake activists were not informed about it?  :)

I almost searched his message in my trash to laugh a bit, but...  ah, you know, I am terribly lazy.  It's a bit 'cruel', but this old Japanese saying is true for some persons: "baka wa shinanakya naoranai".  :P

> Well hey, I'm glad that neither you nor Marina have left :)

Marina, Cari, stef, Jelena, Eden and several other names that unhappily I don't remember by memory now...  We have great women here, my dear!  <3

> I get that. I finally got fed up with all the crap. But still, I totally oppose moderation. Back in the day, with slow dialup modems, it was important to avoid downloading unwanted messages. Now that's not an issue. So each of us can filter out whatever we don't want to see.

I strongly hate moderation, my dear, but I recognize its importance in very extreme situations.  I do love the fact we don't have moderation here and I love my filters with my whole heart.  Love, love, love!  <3