MCBoss and Corpse of State Worker 4 are tending to flowers, covered in nourishing soil, smiling their hearts out in joy.
MCBoss: "This is real mind control, Corpse. The raw life of the sun and nature filling our soils, the gentle touch of a perfect blossom." Corpse of State Worker 4: "You said it, Boss." MCBoss: "I am no longer your boss, Corpse of State Worker 4. The sunlight bursting with morning birdsong has far more power and truth than I can ever fathom. Look to the horizon, and feel the world bloom around you. Feel your own expansive bloom, deep inside. A brain implant is nothing, compared to this garden of pansies." Corpse of State Worker 4 looked to the horizon and took a fragrant breathe of birdsong and brilliant flowers, a breathe like they had never taken before.