gwen hastings <> writes:
DJ Bernstein and Tanja Lange did a study on which ECC curves are safe to implement and use, found at
Some of their objections seem pretty subjective though, I mean they don't like the Brainpool curves because of: Several unexplained decisions: Why SHA-1 instead of, e.g., RIPEMD-160 or SHA-256? Why use 160 bits of hash input independently of the curve size? Why pi and e instead of, e.g., sqrt(2) and sqrt(3)? Why handle separate key sizes by more digits of pi and e instead of hash derivation? Why counter mode instead of, e.g., OFB? Why use overlapping counters for A and B (producing the repeated 26DC5C6CE94A4B44F330B5D9)? Why not derive separate seeds for A and B? Is that really a big deal? SHA-1 vs. RIPEMD-160. Peter.