Celebration!! :) Coda can be resuming EEG and upgrading my element client to latest ;P


### Steps to reproduce

1. I launch element. I’ve enabled developer mode in response to a request to provide detailed information on this issue.
2. The top of the screen shows a loading bar and the text: “Sync thread : Running(afterPause=true) Sync request: Parsing 38 room(s) 5 toDevice(s) Push: 196218”
3. I scroll down to Matrix HQ.
4. The top couple rooms show out of date events from earlier, including Matrix HQ.
5. I tap Matrix HQ.
6. Earlier, I sent a message to Matrix HQ. The message does not show, nor messages that showed after it. From another client, the messages do indeed show.

The history visible in-room is more out of date than the summaries visible in the room list, but both are out of date.

EDIT: Video of this is now at https://ipfs.io/ipfs/bafybeidgfutvwixmoasw3oa6z3peeqxlskdxnkr36ddafyfvrynmluar5q/recording_20220405_172804.mp4 . Logs have been sent using the in-app process, which is shown in the video.

### Outcome

#### What did you expect?

New messages.

#### What happened instead?

Out-of-date history, lacking even messages that I sent.

### Your phone model

Blackberry KeyOne BBB100-1

### Operating system version

Android 8.1.0

### Application version and app store

Element version 1.4.4 olm version 3.2.10 from Google Play Store

### Homeserver


### Will you send logs?
