I've been framed for heinous crimes, and denied any ability to disprove them. For reasons not entirely clear to me, the ACLU and the EFF are okay with me being harassed, and I believe my life has been ruined by the government for over a decade, although it would be in the last half I considered it severe, as it began to include helicopters (which in the best of times could be considered a misuse of government resources).

I cannot speak to the motivation of people I do not know why they would frame someone developmentally delayed receiving special education support, but I can say that anyone who investigated me and failed to realize that, is themselves, severely retarded. In the era before scientific investigation, people would have realized there is something wrong with that picture, but people worship science now beyond all reason, particularly if it means the advancement of their own profession. I met with many psychologists and two psychiatrists under false pretenses, who decided to put more weight in a diagnosis they wouldn't reveal to me, then in what they could see before them.

Naturally four years ago, I figured anything this wide scale must involve the deep state in some capacity, and there is nothing more deep state than the backdoored nature of the entire architecture of the internet. I began reading more about computers, and tried to get in with the cypherpunk community. Unexpectantly, the cypherpunk community was aloof, and as I put various insinuated accusations against me together, I discovered that the cypherpunk community too was insinuated things in a casual indirect fashion.

I think there is nothing more deep state than Project Zero.

Have they asked for a list of opcodes that are speculatively executed from Intel yet?

Will they ever investigate all the entries for Zerodium that cost $10,000? 

The members of Project Zero are either idiots or shills. They are too smart to be idiots, although there are smart idiots in the world.