thanks for asking
we had a big argument on the list about it at one point but maybe it was more about glenn greenwald, jeremy scahill and pierre so the intercept did not come up for you as the target
my distrust is about numerous things but primary about authoritarian capitalism and the capitalist nation building of the USA
pierre omidyar gave over 1 million dollars to usaid programs in the ukraine before the 'revolution'
in case you dont know - usaid is a front group for the cia - they stomp around the globe and either utilize uprising activists or create them for their own use ie authoritarian capitalism
if you need to know about that whole history of the cia then i highly recommend you look into the work of naomi klein - she is an economist based out of canada - there are tones of videos on the webs of her speaking her films - she writes books but sort of puts them to film
- if you need me to point you directly to information from her let me know -
but there are a lot of things the cia does and has done thru various front organizations like NED etc
it is kind of like the whole thing with soros that supports a lot of activism that may seem great on the surface but there are serious issues his money supports which creates more problems but this is whole huge other thing having to do with russia and other things ... caspar bowden also had criticism of soros which will explain to you the deeper issues regarding funding
i said at the time and numerous times before i would never work for dick cheney making fly fishing lures which essentially means it is a difficulty to retain ethics while taking money from the corrupt comparmentalizing out that you personally didnt drop a bomb on a child is an argument of willful blindness
of course these are not black and white issues but there are levels
the ideology that the USG engages/enforces is a horror - the powers are parasitic and plant parasites in the people and if you think that is not an issue for the living then i would urge you to educate yourself
glenn greenwald wrote a book long ago whereby he claimed support for the iraqi invasion and afghani invasion after 9/11
stating something strange like he trusts the US authorities to be doing the right thing or some crap
the profound lie of the connection to 9/11 and iraq didnt seem to be an issue for him
if this wasnt enough to dissuade anyone from hailing his brain function he refuses to acknowledge this support of the invasion and apologize for it as if he never wrote such insanity
jeremy scahill took a selfie with a murdered body in a morgue on a slab in mogadeshu for his little film dirty wars
this is unconscionable
if someone thinks this is not unconscionable then they dont know enough about journalism human rights or respect for that matter
he as a journalist for me is highly compromised because of his attachment to authoritarian capitalism that he engages
laura poitras is a capitalist
i have issues as a journalist with her being embedded with the military in the iraq invasion - which interestingly jeremy scahill was not embedded as there was a huge ethics breech for journalists that agreed to the embed at least in my realm of journalism which is as an activist journalist
i think they held onto the snowden files for capitalist reasons moreover especially at the beginning
from the files she has produced articles out of german press a lot and i am not sure americans are as aware of them but she retains high levels of redaction - wanted by the US government - which i find disgusting
she has admitted - on camera - to pressuring snowden numerous times to be filmed in hong kong and as he was under incredible pressure it cannot be stressed enough that this crosses a journalistic ethical line
protection of the source was not even a thought it seems - there was i think an idea that thru laura's connection to assange snowden would have safe passage... excruciatingly naive...
from many security people i have been told over and over > trust no one but i think it is really up to individuals to educate themselves regarding funding issues behind orginazations etc and make decisions for themselves
if you dont know a lot about journalistic manipulation i would urge you to look into the church committee
please look into the subsequent 'blowback' of EO 12333 (known as twelve triple three) by ronald reagan