DC_Draino @DC_Draino dcdraino.com May 28 🚨BREAKING🚨 New *video evidence* of Maricopa election officials illegally breaking into sealed election machines after they were tested, reprogramming memory cards, and reinstalling them 59% of these machines would shut down on election day in GOP areas They’ve been CAUGHT This explosive video has been posted for 4+ days & there have been no credible fact-checks The media is ignoring this story & hoping you forget about it But it’s been retweeted 40k+ times w/more than 12 MILLION views These criminals broke the seals & reprogrammed the machines Notice how the woman breaking the seals is wearing latex gloves? Totally normal behavior Yea this was livestreamed but they didn’t think anyone was recording But @KariLake’s team was Then they matched up these videos w/ recently obtained system log files that prove tampering Remember: While this illegal election machine rigging was committed by Maricopa county criminals, it was overseen by the Arizona Secretary of State who now illegitimately occupies the Governor’s seat *Katie Hobbs rigged her own election* When does the impeachment trial begin?! Kari Lake War Room @KariLakeWarRoom May 28 👀Watch👀 On October 14th, 17th & 18th, Maricopa County performed secret testing on the tabulators This was AFTER the legally required Logic & Accuracy test 260 of 446 tabulators failed They were used on election day anyway. Where 59% failed This is the story of a sabotage. Show this thread 5,809 40,558 2,288 90,169 3,354,350 DC_Draino @DC_Draino 58m Republicans control the House yet the Debt Ceiling bill just passed with more Democrat votes than Republican votes Infuriating weakness 461 997 75 3,103 DC_Draino @DC_Draino 2h I’m old enough to remember when the airline pamphlets in the seatback pockets didn’t have blood clot warnings Wonder what changed… 246 636 28 2,000 DC_Draino @DC_Draino 3h Just when you think Leftists couldn’t get any more depraved, the Georgetown Neighborhood Library is organizing a “Children’s Pride Parade” in our nation’s capitol on June 3 Why are these groomers so obsessed with influencing the sexualities of minors? evb.gg/n#ddsss23cm2 320 1,271 45 3,057 DC_Draino @DC_Draino 3h Are federal tax dollars being used to organize *Children’s* pride parades now?! 22 103 1 418 DC_Draino @DC_Draino 4h Project Veritas exposed Pfizer & then @JamesOKeefeIII got suspended James then exposed a nationwide election donation scam and is now being sued to stop him from pursuing further investigations Some call all this a coincidence I see it as muzzling a powerful voice before 2024 120 1,708 13 4,598 DC_Draino @DC_Draino 8h Want to know the beautiful thing about these Woke Boycotts? They aren’t organized by any single politician or person They’re organic uprisings from millions of Americans who are sick and tired of watching their country get taken over by Marxist groomers Now that’s Democracy Gavin Newsom @GavinNewsom 8h Let's take a moment to talk about this. There is a full-throated purge effort going on here by the far-right that we have not seen for decades. They are on a boycott binge and cancel crusade, trying to eliminate the existence of minority communities. Burning Flags. Banning… nitter.pw/i/web/status/166… 228 666 18 2,610 DC_Draino @DC_Draino 9h Imagine if they incorporated DEI in the NBA and required every team to hire a 5’4” white guy and make him a starter You’d think that’s ridiculous right? 317 1,111 33 7,125 DC_Draino @DC_Draino 9h Does Chick Fil A deserve a full blown Bud Light boycott? In my opinion, no Do they deserve some heat & criticism for bending the knee to the Woke agenda and creating a Marxist DEI position that engages in racial discrimination? In my opinion, yes Let’s see their next moves… 1,244 483 71 4,939 DC_Draino @DC_Draino 9h Obviously if they start targeting children with the Woke agenda, it’s game on But in my opinion they haven’t quite crossed that line yet 114 60 4 600 DC_Draino @DC_Draino 10h Corporations are now spending millions on consulting & marketing advice to avoid reaping the wrath of conservative boycotts, but here’s some free advice: Stop targeting kids with radical gender ideology & Satanism That’s all you have to do This shouldn’t be difficult 184 650 24 2,281 DC_Draino @DC_Draino 11h Is anyone else skeptical of politicians that spend most of their adult careers pursuing elected office? Career politicians are what’s wrong with this country 221 520 35 2,592 DC_Draino @DC_Draino 11h Trump has been the exact same person for decades If you’re good to him, he’ll be good to you If you hit him, he’s going to hit you back twice as hard This isn’t complicated 1,769 3,303 171 14,878 DC_Draino @DC_Draino 11h You may not like his strategy, but it won him the Presidency and got him the most votes in GOP history 239 228 12 1,594 DC_Draino @DC_Draino 12h Think about this A woman with highly credible sexual assault claims against the man in the Oval Office is now fleeing to another country b/c she fears for her life We have rigged elections, political prisoners, and now political refugees These are 3rd world problems Breitbart News @BreitbartNews 14h Tara Reade, the former Senate staffer to Joe Biden who accused him of sexual assault during the 2020 presidential election, has now defected to Russia. trib.al/hRbncGC 458 2,675 64 7,115 DC_Draino @DC_Draino 12h 77 431 19 3,267 DC_Draino @DC_Draino 14h When you think about it, most of America’s culture war revolves around protecting children: -Abortion -No boys competing in girl sports -Abolishing CRT & grooming in schools -Banning child sterilization & mutilation Who else proudly stands on the right side of history? 536 926 46 3,650 DC_Draino @DC_Draino 14h The Nashville Trans Terrorist shooting of Christian children changed everything Once a movement becomes so radicalized that its insane adherents start killing kids, the gloves come off This is why our boycotts are taking down multinational corporations We will protect children 1,042 2,525 90 9,039 DC_Draino @DC_Draino May 30 I supported President Trump when… -family & friends stopped talking to me -jobs wouldn’t hire me -the media demonized him with 95% negative coverage -he was investigated by Mueller for Russia collusion -he was impeached for a phone call to Ukraine -BLM & Antifa burned down… nitter.pw/i/web/status/166… 2,334 4,755 308 23,417 DC_Draino @DC_Draino May 30 What’s funny is the people saying “you’re in a cult” are all vaxxed and boosted b/c Saint Fauci told them to 460 923 42 7,223 DC_Draino @DC_Draino May 30 This country is under attack from within by criminal Marxists and they are throwing every weapon they have at the uprising of Americans trying to stop them We will not be defeated or redirected There is only 1 goal - saving America so that our kids can grow up in a free country 366 1,312 36 6,676 Load more