Given the absolute state of the Democ-rat-tick party in the USA, the space is so wide open for alternates its not funny - the circus seen below is literally astounding - most folks could do better than the clowns trotting out for that show. Except that supredelegates again steal the nomination from Bernie, he will have the nomination. In either case, the Democrats will suffer a significant loss in November. So immediately after that, is a great time to, say, work with Tulsi or get going yourself. (Or you can keep bitching for the next 4.5 years...) On Sat, Feb 29, 2020 at 10:16:48PM +1100, Zig the N.g wrote:
Tucker on the hilarity of the democ-rats - once again, dey memes continue to write themselves.
Nuthin, and I's mean nuh-thin, more to add (did I mention nuthingk?):
WATCH: Bloomberg Accuses Putin of Backing Bernie, Debate Erupts Into Chaos - Buttigeig: Putin Disrupts Democracy (Great Tucker Carlson Monologue)
(Transcript in russia-insider link above - but that 'tube man, oh man :D - dis be actually the USA. Just .. wow.)
On Wed, Aug 07, 2019 at 03:44:32AM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
House Majority Leader Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD) landed today in Israel with 41 other Democratic Representatives for a week-long, all-expenses-paid junket sponsored by the American Israel Education Foundation (AIEF), the educational branch of the lobbying organization American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)...
Ignoring the source links... 41 US elected reps in office traveling at once to one country? That's 10% of that body, not including support and associated political elements... How rare is that, whether to, or even from any other country in the world, under any international situation?
Shit these days is beyond bizarre.