On Sep 21, 2017, at 4:45 PM, Hollow Domer <shediedfrombeingtoof@redchan.it> wrote:

juan juan.g71 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 20 11:20:38 PDT 2017

british isn't just a synonym

Correct. It has an actual meaning.

Brit + ish

Brit, or Brith, Berith, Bris
[Sephardic Hebrew breet;
Ashkenazic Hebrew bris;
English bris, brit]

noun, Hebrew.
1. the Jewish rite of circumcising a male child eight days after his birth.


You're fucking joking, right? The etymology of "British" has nothing to do with Hebrew. 
It was Briton long before the Romans arrived. This little piece of nonsense trivia is absurd.



This is shit.  'Wrong' is not the opposite of 'right', in the context of

Or better, no copyright...

Having no documentation establishing rights is a better option how ?
What proofs are there to expel false claims to owner/inventorship ?

Indeed, and the boundaries of my body are real.
Just like the boundaries of any other person.

Tell that to pro-choicers :^)

Ah, another fucking brain dead male who wants to control a woman's health care agency.
Naturally ;)

the boundaries of states are just imaginary lines

These "imaginary" lines often exist in the form of rivers and oceans.

Just because you trace a "border" along a geographic feature doesn't make it any less
of a farce.

'enforced' by a bunch of animals
who call themselves' the government'.

"Persons" make up groups like "governments" and often agree about the
"imaginary" lines that form their "community" or "home".  Why are these
lines, physical or not, different from those drawn in sovereignty of
one's body ?

How did you find out


I know amerikkka's history

Because you are American, not "Brown", or "Muslim".


This isn't even a thing.  "Black" and "White" are tricks to rob people
of their ancestral heritage.  Paco and Pajeet are nothing alike, yet
they both identify as "Brown".


Only the chosen people and nachos con crema ácida are supreme.

making stuff as you go

Aztlán is a real place, brother, in fucking "Utah".

You might enjoy:
Who Really Discovered America ? - 2010
America Unearthed - 2012
Expedition Unknown - 2015

crimes are OK because "everybody does it"

Nah, I simply don't support victimizing the villain.
Besides, if land cannot be "owned" it cannot be "stolen".