On Fri, Nov 04, 2016 at 03:33:00PM -0300, juan wrote:
On Fri, 4 Nov 2016 07:17:05 -0400 John Newman <jnn@synfin.org> wrote:
(unless the so-called "STATIST" in question is of the Russian variety, in which case it's all good)
americunt fascist john newman is offended by russian propaganda? Yep, self-parody at its best.
You're the attack dog who seems to lie down only when it comes to the constant barrage of Russian bullshit. I don't attack every single post to the list - in fact, I don't even read this list anymore, except on rare occasion. Self-parody? Yep. Look in the mirror, Juan. You are a fucking joke. Not even a funny joke, sadly =)
of course, americunt fascist john newman knows pretty well that his 'standard of living' is wholly dependent on state funded 'science' and american murder - so he wants americunt crimes to be ignored as much as possible while pointing the finger at all the other terrorists out there....
Acknowledging that science is real, and that I don't know EVERYTHING (something you are wholly incapable of doing) is not the same thing as being ... whatever the fuck you are trying to describe. Your description bears zero resemblance to myself, or to most of the people you've put it to. And it does get repetitive, watching Juan type "americunt" over and over and over... Particularly as I've never had a single good word to say for America, or any other nation state. As you know of course, you dishonest fuck.
Hey john, why don't you move to the 'cryptography' mailing list? It's a censored, pro-establishment cesspool exactly the thing for the likes of you.
I find it hilarious how much you disparage the crypto list. It's a cesspool? Have you seen the last 100 posts to this list? You're a fucking joke man. John