I thought of a funny idea for your fiction stories. I noticed in one of
your Wim Hof posts you mention an eeg headband. Why not put an eeg
headband on MCBoss and/or his underlings? Like does MCBoss change in
different brain wave states?

Experimentee: "put on this eeg headband!"

MCBoss: "what is this silly toy"

Experimentee: "put it on"

Boss puts on the eeg headband.

Boss: "does it check with the existing computer readings?"

Experimentee: "oh no those are all faked by your competitors and contractors and we hacked them to take over your business with you at the helm as a confused buffoon"

Boss: "well what does it say?"

Researcher: "it says you have a normal brain doing normal things, just like the feeds you sell to others"

Boss: "oh that's active. Let me deal with it."