On Mon, 9 Jan 2017 11:32:49 -0800 Razer <g2s@riseup.net> wrote:
Word for the day:
outwardly appearing as such; professed; pretended:
But the second definition, which the joo-kristian and far right winger "rayzer" used is this one "2.apparent, EVIDENT , or CONSPICUOUS: " http://www.dictionary.com/browse/ostensibly?s=t It is obvious from 'context' and previous posts from the rayzer that he regards joo-kkkristianity as a Good Thing, except for catholics and zionists, who have allegedly 'hijacked' an 'ostensible' (that is evident and conspicuous) 'spiritual' religion. For completness' sake here's more Authentic Rayzzerz Mental Vomit : "catholicism is the Zionism of Christianity. A socio-political graft onto Christianity, a philosophy useful for subverting and conquering people." That implies that 'christianity' in general is not a scam used to subvert and conquer people, only evil catholicism (a 'graft') is. So, as already mentioned, rayzer is a sick, theocratic motherfucker. But yeah, nothing says "anarchism" like theocracy and whitewashing of US military false flag attacks in NYC.
Get this : joo-kkkristianity is "an ostensibly spiritual religion" according to this sick motherfucker.