History is often used for political and impoverished reasons, and facts may help in moving past the clouds of FOG and deception. Trigger warning - here be a bunch of facts, and so the liberal loonies may be triggered. Snowflakes 'ave been warned .. ----- Forwarded message from Gil May <gilmay97@gmail.com> ----- From: Gil May <gilmay97@gmail.com> To: reader@gmail.com Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2020 19:20:51 +1000 Subject: Cairns News Modern Aborigines migrated to Australia from India 4230 years ago <https://cairnsnews.org/2019/11/10/modern-aborigines-migrated-to-australia-from-india-4230-years-ago/> Nov 10 <https://cairnsnews.org/2019/11/10/modern-aborigines-migrated-to-australia-from-india-4230-years-ago/> Posted by Editor, cairnsnews <https://cairnsnews.org/author/cairnsnews/> It is time for the Aboriginal industry milking billions($30B) from taxpayers and the baloney myths to give way to fact and science. *by Gil May* The original people of Australia were the giant Java man, then Homo erectus where numerous subspecies continued to exist, the Kow Swamp people whose skeletons were dated 6,500 years ago, their ‘robust’ skeletons have thick brow ridges, sloping foreheads and extremely large teeth unlike modern humans, they were younger than the more modern Mungo people. The Mungo skeletons of a modern type ‘gracile’ people died out 50,000 year before Know Swamp people. Due to the prolonged inland droughts the last of the Pintubis (also called Bindaboos) surrendered their nomadic Stone Age lifestyles in the 1960s, where the extremities of survival in dry arid country became impossible and they surrendered to a missionary area for survival. *DNA tests reveal actor Ernie Dingo has Hindu bloodlines* They were a ‘robust’ people having the thick brow ridges, and thick skulls of the last remnants of Homo erectus still living a primitive stone age life, the final example of unaltered stone age culture in Australia. They were an incredible people who could live under the most unliveable conditions ever encountered by humanity — and very different from modern Aborigines. Their culture, simple at first glance, was incredibly complex as was their intimacy with their surroundings. This identifies an ancient hominin that had evolved in Australia and continued to live a traditional undisturbed life until recent times. Clearly unrelated to modern aborigines. Like the ancient lineage of marsupials and metronomes (egg laying mammals, platypus and echidna) that continued to live onwards in isolated Australia, so too did the world’s last remaining primitive Homo erectus as a transitional species to Homo sapiens. We refer you to the study below of DNA analysis of gene flow by Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany. https://www.mpg.de/6818105/Holocene-gene-flow_India-Australia Gene flow from India to Australia about 4,000 years ago Large numbers of Indians migrated to Australia bringing the Dingo with them, as proven by DNA analysis of gene flow by Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany. The immigrants came by boat: Australia was settled numerous times during its history. Researcher Irina Pugach and colleagues now analyzed genetic variation from across the genome from aboriginal Australians, New Guineans, island Southeast Asians, and Indians. Their DNA findings prove substantial gene flow from India to Australia 4,230 years ago. i.e. during the Holocene and well before European contact. “Interestingly,” says Pugach, “this date also coincides with many changes in the archaeological record of Australia, which include a sudden change in plant processing and stone tool technologies, with microliths *(fine stone spear tips)* appearing for the first time, and the first appearance of the dingo in the fossil record. Since we detect inflow of genes from India into Australia at around the same time, it is likely that these changes were related to this migration.” Ernie Dingo from Hindu descent Popular Aboriginal TV personality Ernie Dingo, had a DNA test that showed he was from southern Indian Hindu descent The nonsense baloney that has become accepted by governments and many in the population, because they were to uninterested, lazy and did not want to upset the status quo myth put out for very lucrative financial benefits from government and free land title worth millions, could have easily been disproven as original owners and custodians of the land had anyone bothered to read proven research. What an international joke, the federal courts accept without any proof whatsoever of land ownerships history, relying on and accepting people saying their ancestor have been custodians of the land for many thousands of years, some even said over 70,000 years, and legislating these lies and distortions into law. When DNA analysis of gene flow by Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, proves the current so called ‘aborigines’ have only been here 4,230 year or 41 generations of mitochondrial DNA steps. * (very coincidental–this was after the Great Flood.-Ed) * https://cairnsnews.org/2018/10/26/republish-dreamtime-a-cruel-delusion-of-br... This document(above link) should be compulsory reading in every school—it is a very interesting factual perspective of Aboriginal history distortions. According to Alfred Cort Haddon, a turn of the century figure revered today as the ‘founding father’ of British anthropology, the aborigines were clearly “pre-Dravidian” people from South India. In Haddon’s 1909 book, *The Races of Man*, he asserts that Australia was originally inhabited by Papuans, or Negritoes, who wandered on the extreme south of the continent. Later, a pre-Dravidian race migrated to Australia and overran the continent, absorbing the sparse aboriginal population. In the remarkable work, *Cape York – The Savage Frontier*, Queensland author Rodney Liddell asserts, from studying the Jardine diaries, the original Negritoes were hunted down and wiped out by invading aborigines from India. The tip of Cape York was one of the major landings used by the invaders who arrived in either canoes or on rafts. Archaeologists in 1973 decided to look for campsites and other evidence on the Cape, finding fireplaces and middens. Although unreliable, carbon dating of shells and other organic matter was used. To the horror of the investigating academics, the best they could come up with was between 600 and 1,100 years of occupation by the aborigines. It is time for the Aboriginal industry milking billions from taxpayers and the baloney myths to give way to fact and science. (circa 231BC Phoenicians settled the east coast of Australia having a settlement near the mouth of the Hawkesbury River, NSW) ----- End forwarded message -----