This is a draft attempt to regrow a rational decision making process in karl semich. Posting to the list relates to the value around parts not disappearing after being expressed. It's 2022-04-12 04:48 ET. Karl is a little confused around continuing to pursue a difficult rtlsdr/logic analysis project. Goals being managed: - [ ] rtlsdr/logic analyser, this is priority - [ ] reduction of expenses. a phone was recently purchased - [ ] EEG logging, nonprioritised, inhibited - [ ] device to do EEG logging on - [ ] txqrapp merge submission [we were not expecting the big dialog. less has been expressed.] STRUGGLE: - it can help meet a number of goals to set up an existing device to do EEG logging on, such as pinephone. - recently noticed a txqrapp obligation. left open after a year or three. _rarely notice this_. it does not look complex to resolve. the topic has strong inhibition -> we would like to do the rtlsdr/logic analyser Doing the radio-logic-analysis project is a huge goal for us that we have spent many long times now trying to defend and stabilise. For some it represents many other goals. We need to be able to take simple goals to completion, to interaction with a normal todo list at all.