OGs been noting for years that the only way to win the war against GovBankPols central trap and CBDC is adopting true P2P and DEX *usage* of a real privacy enabled minimal cash coin, and corrupted Bitcoin-BTC and unusable BTC-LN were kept and made incapable of winning (see: "Who Killed Bitcoin?"), enabling more to CBDC rollout than to Human Freedom. You can easily win the war, you just need to iterate, create, find, adopt, and *use* winning tools P2P mode... and stop wasting time following and creating shit that isn't. And most importantly, rise against the regimes whose game is to keep you down. Econ101: "Store of Value" is useless unless it also serves as a Global Private P2P Electronic Cash System, the latter obtains value via useful txrate liquidity float in the global marketplace usage etc and hodl, the former SOV is moot. Once you reach a billion active users transacting P2P with the latter, which the former cannot do, you win. Design better cash protocols... privacy, billion users, 50 years. Win the game.