On 1/27/20 11:21 PM, jim bell wrote:
The Daily Beast: Up Against the Coronavirus, China's Surveillance State Has Failed. https://www.thedailybeast.com/up-against-the-coronavirus-chinas-surveillance-state-has-failed?source=world&via=rss
HAHAHA! "Surveillance State" HAHAHA. One day I'm going to attempt to buy a candybar at the store with my Retirement bennies 'credit card' and the cashier is going to tell me the transaction was declined because my doctor said I can't have that. FUCK YOU AND SHOVE "CHINA SURVEILLANCE" UP YOUR LIBERTARD XENOPHOBIC FASCIST ASS PARANOID LUZER Bring out your dead! ... Bring out your dead! ... to read a debunking of media-pandered fear of China intended to replace a JUST-LOST 'trade war', in an attempt to damage China's economy by other means. DO NOT BELIEVE one word in the WESTERN MEDIA about this, idiot. "The claim that "we are now faced with the most virulent virus epidemic the world has ever seen" and that the new coronavirus is 8x as infectious as SARS is completely untrue. Even if the R0 were 3.8 that would be nowhere near a record. Here is some context w/ a range of R0s:" https://www.moonofalabama.org/2020/01/the-coronavirus-no-need-to-panic.html Ps... The common cold is a corona virus. Lookitup. In regard to the western "Media" and the "Douma poison gassing", The Soleimani Assassination, The WHOOHOO Flu... "...Kafkaesque events and situations, bizarre or ludicrous, leaving the individual powerless to understand, let alone to influence what is happening..." https://www.greanvillepost.com/2020/01/28/the-power-of-myth/ Also see what Theodore Roszak said about the "Rule of 'Experts', aka Technocracy... "In the technocracy, nothing is any longer small or simple or readily apparent to the non-technical man. Instead, the scale and intricacy of all human activities—political, economic, cultural—transcends the competence of the amateurish citizen and inexorably demands the attention of specially trained experts. Further, around this central core of experts who deal with large-scale public necessities, there grows up a circle of subsidiary experts who, attending on the general social prestige of technical skill in the technocracy, assume authoritative influence over even the most seemingly personal aspects of life: sexual behavior, child-rearing, mental health, recreation, etc. In the technocracy everything aspires to become purely technical, the subject of professional attention. The technocracy is therefore the regime of experts—or of those who can employ the experts. Among its key institutions we find the "think-tank," in which is housed a multi-billion-dollar brainstorming industry that seeks to anticipate and integrate into the social planning quite simply everything on the scene. Thus, even before the general public has become fully aware of new developments, the technocracy has doped them out and laid its plans for adopting or rejecting, promoting or disparaging. 3 Within such a society, the citizen, confronted by bewildering bigness and complexity, finds it necessary to defer on all matters to those who know better. Indeed, it would be a violation of reason to do otherwise..." ~Theodore Roszak, Making of a Counterculture Stupid, Technocrat-worshipping Fear-Programed Knee-Jerking idiots... Rr