Take a look at this: https://comptroller.nyc.gov/services/financial-matters/pension/asset-perform... It would seem that New York City's retirement funds were exasperated during 2022. The July 25, 2021 letter to the SEC was spot on. The crypto RICO in New York is something bigger than the Steele Dossier and for some reason, xNY.io - Bank.org continues to be profiled as 'using Donald Trump type arguments' as a sport. FBI, for the last 24 hours in Chelsea, New York I have been under entrapment with whomever is survelleing screaming loud like a coyote. This is nothing new, and the FBI is a group we have unwavering respect for. WeWork went under in New York while the deal makers stole from the teachers pension fund. The NYPD and FBI obviously are in a tough position... But to be honest, the surveillance situation of being screamed at like Chelsea, New York is Guantanamo Bay for days on end is obviously a sign xNY.io - Bank.org is a winning innovation. I am scared this is getting out of hand, and if we sue it would impact the election worse than the Steele Dossier. We will stick to innovating rather than litigating for the time being. Realizeling, xNY.io - Bank.org is winning and the SEC and FBI have been put in an awkward pension fraud position we alarmed the SEC about in 2021. I only want the best for the New York FBI. The drone screaming in Chelsea for days on end has to be something that will go down in the history books for, under innovation. Long live Brody. Sun, Nov 12, 2023, 11:58 AM Gunnar Larson <g@xny.io> wrote: While xNY.io - Bank.org was blowing the wistle, what was happening, FBI?
Literally, most of this could have been avoided. When it comes to honesty the Brody of Wall Street reminds you that the truth is so important.
PYUSD did not just fall from the sky. And if it takes a new Superintendent, it takes a new Superintendent then.
We were not blowing the wistle for the award, FBI. We were blowing the wistle for the protections and since July 25, 2021 you know how we have been treating.
Water under the bridge. xNY.io - Bank.org is doing better than ever. However, the FBI cannot accuse us of using Donald Trump RICO arguments against New York State.
That would be silly.
In other news, on its own who thinks xNY.io is going to be tricked by X.com and Xoom.com?
July 25, 2021
United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) 14420 Albemarle Point Place Suite 102 Chantilly, VA 20151-1750 ATTN: SEC TCR SUBMISSIONS
Re: Bank.org Concern of BitLicense Marketplace Manipulation
Dear Sir or Madam:
Virtual currency fraud is a serious problem for such a developed country as the United States, whose bank regulators have drawn attention to the increase of these crimes. Having discovered that an unregulated virtual currency sphere (such as in Africa, or other developing markets) is very popular among virtual currency fraudsters, the New York State Department of Financial Services (NY-DFS) concluded that this kind of regulatory fraud was threatening U.S. national security.
Bank.org’s NY-DFS Shelf Charter application journey has prompted us to contact the SEC with concern of common Directors at Facebook and PayPal (incl. Xoom) who have potentially manipulated the New York State Common Retirement Fund and New York State Teachers Retirement Fund through BitLicense marketplace manipulation tactics and computer crimes.
Bank.org's key definition of virtual currency computer crimes is a consistent message across markets. These crimes are relatively new, having been in existence for only as long as Bitcoin has—which explains how unprepared society and the world, in general, is towards combating these crimes. We see this as no fault of NY-DFS and the original BitLicense mandate.
Facebook and PayPal along with Goldman Sachs and Wells Fargo have leveraged BitLicensee connections to profit daily from virtual currency market manipulation structures with cross-border reach. PayPal's “Conditional BitLicense” may now be employed as a marketplace manipulation instrument. Meanwhile, common Directors at Facebook, PayPal (incl. Xoom) and Diem seemingly have collaborated in orchestrating a virtual currency marketplace manipulation exercise.
The New York State Common Retirement Fund and New York State Teachers Retirement Fund are significant investors in Facebook, PayPal, Goldman Sachs and Wells Fargo.
From their California headquarters, Directors at PayPal (incl. Xoom) have potentially leveraged a Conditional BitLicense award in collaboration with common Directors at Facebook to engage in marketplace manipulation techniques. The Diem Association further shares common PayPal and Facebook Directors in a potential chain of virtual currency computer software and market manipulation architectures.
Bank.org must take the necessary steps to guard against fraud and to be extra vigilant about manipulation. We seek SEC guidance on the aforementioned concerns as we organize a reputable Board of Directors for NY-DFS approval.
Respectfully yours with appreciation,
Gunnar Larson - xNY.io | Bank.org
MSc - Digital Currency MBA - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) G@xNY.io +1-646-454-9107