That's an outragous claim for people like you. LMAO at you. You are the poster child for circular 'reasoning'.
that children can't suffer from cognitive disabilities, etc.
I never said that.
Yes you did. In fact you called me a nazi after describing a young girl whom my girlfriend was the caretaker of who was profoundly disabled by asperger's syndrome. She couldn't talk, etc.. i'm not getting into it again, please just leave it alone.
So again, disagreeing with your stupid enviro propganda that comes straight out of your fucking americunt nazi state doesn't make me a bible thumper.
How ducking retarded are you? The us republican government DOES NOT believe in anthropogenic climate change. You are right in line with Trump and his cronies.
OK. Allegedly, the trump mafia, which is a subset of the us gov't mafia, doesn't believe in global warming. I say 'allegedly' because I would be hardly surprised if they flip-floped. But fine, for the time being they are on the payroll of the oil mafia (oops a 'conspiracy theory') However, other factions of the us gov't do believe in 'climate change'. So my claim "you get your propaganda from the gov't" is still valid (more accurately, the source is a faction within the gov't) - If I'm in line with the repuglicans, then you are in line with the democrats. But OK, I see how you can turn my argument around and say that I'm a shill for shell and exxon (and aramco I guess). Even if you do that, my general point still stands. The 'climate change' faction IS a faction. They are not honest and 'objective' 'scientists'. They are playing a political game. And 'science' has always been manipulated by political interests. Something you seem to completely ignore.
Huge mistakes in medical sciences have most definitely been made,
Mistakes? Are you referring to the 'mistakes' of the 'medical' 'science' of psychiatry? As I explained above those are not mistakes.
There have been mistakes besides atrocities like the lobotomy.
Not mistakes. 'Curing' gays was not a mistake. And looks like you are an accomplice of the shitbags who did that kind of thing, by pretending they were not criminals but poor 'mistaken' altruists or something.
I never said that or even implied it. Was "curing" gays ever accepted as science by anyone, anywhere?
So you actucally don't have a clue about what 'scientists' used to say? Here's ONE fucking datapoint for you. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1992_in_LGBT_rights "The World Health Organisation declassifies homosexuality as a mental illness in the latest edition of its list of diseases and health problems, the ICD-10." Now, was that 1992 BEFORE FUCKING CHRIST or after? I'm not goind to do more of your homework. You gaagle the rest.
Early experimentation with radiation, heparin adulteration out of china,
AH the evil chinese. What the fuck has that got to do with 'science', fake or legitimate?
Maybe mistakes is the wrong word for some of those examples - you love to pick at things with your pedantic little mind. The point is there have been all sorts of fuck ups in the history of medicine, and rational inquiry AKA science is how they get solved.
Keep up with your bullshit. You are doing exactly what I say you are doing. You are making excuses for people who are corrupt to the bone. The 'mistakes' (your word) or now 'fuck ups' are not 'mistakes'. 'Science' when done by people is not guaranteed at all to really be science. It obviously can be political propaganda.
exploding breast implants, all sorts of toxic shit before the FDA came around, etc, etc.
Before the FDA came around. Spoken like a True American Anarchist eh John. Tsk tsk. You seem to be showing your true statist colors.
Tsk tsk all you want dickhead, it's a fact. All sorts of toxic shit was passed off prior to the fda (and after, for that matter).
So you just contradicted yourself in two senteces? Can't you make up your mind? =) Does the american anarchist FDA 'work' or not?
My anarchist utopia will have some sort of opt-in dope inspection line, but I'm happy for you to die of arsenic poisoning in yours.
'Alle Ding sind Gift und nichts ohn' Gift; allein die Dosis macht, das ein Ding kein Gift ist."
By the way, radioactive 'cures' were aproved by your Progressive Scientifc Anarchist FDA.
So what? Nobody said the FDA was perfect, or even close. It's called progress.
OK. So what you are saying is not only that statism works, but also that it is progressing towards perfection !!? I don't think I can give you any more rope =) ...
Everything has to turn into a fucking insult fest with you Juan. You're not an enjoyable person to discourse with. You aren't scum like Zen and James Donald, but you have some fucking social issues.
Thanks for the compliment.
Do you think that the people who run the US central bank (or any other central bank), and all the 'economists' from 'very important' universities who take central banks and money printing for granted, are 'scientists'? Are so called 'keynesian' 'economists' 'scientists'?
No. It's a "field" that can be gamed and manipulated using analytical techniques, but fundamentally it would fall more in line as a form of sociology or some other study of people. Economic policy is dictated by the barrel of the gun, rules and charters and guidelines written out by corporate interests and enforced by the various governments in a very transparent attempt at keeping the rich man (and nation) rich and the poor man (and nation) poor.
Indeed. The economic policy of the state and its cronies is completely self-serving. But the people in academia who pretend to provide 'academic' justifications for it are seen as the most capable and altruistic intellectuals engaging in some sort of objective and rational endeavor. Of course the economics of money printing are self-serving voodoo and there's a small group of 'dissenters' among economists who say so. I brought this uo because it is another (current) example of the established, reputable and academic sector getting away with murder. And even if mainstream economics isn't seen as hard science like physics, it is still regarded as legitimate discipline.
I have no deep understanding or insights on this subject (nor much interest) but these are the thoughts off the top of my head.