On Sun, 3 Jul 2016 17:59:37 -0300 Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tanaka@gmail.com> wrote:
[Cecilia] Quinn is intolerant and has narrow patterns of decency, but he is a good person and I like him, Juan.
You are seriously fucked up then.
Well, I am sure Quinn thinks exactly the same thing all the times when I say I like you in public, my dear Juan... hihi... ;)
You are digging yourself deeper =) My position is radically different to that of quinn and his mob and yet you think we are both 'likeable'? Your opinions here are absurd. Not to mention, again, that you think that a totalitarian piece of shit like quinn is a good guy. Since you believe that, your moral judgements are a bad joke...which shows what you really stand for.
[Cecilia] You are not exactly tolerant and open-minded too, haha!! ;D
That comes from you, who support the US nazis? Ha ha.
I never said that I am tolerant and open-minded, Juan.
Fine. I'm not tolerant either. I don't tolerate stupidity and evil intentions or acts. As to being 'open minded', again, I'm certainly not open minded to stupidity. Being 'open minded' to stupidity is hardly a virtue.
Sorry if you felt offended with my words. I don't support any kind of 'nazis'. Radical people are extremely boring.
Not sure who you are calling radical? The nazis? The problem with the nazis were not that they were radicals. Or that they were 'boring'...
[Cecilia] Sorry, I don't believe in all researches because I have lots of researchers as friends and colleagues and I was a researcher in several moments of my life too
So? You know they are all dishonest, including yourself?
"Eu não acredito em todas as pesquisas" here doesn't mean necessarily that I really do _not_ believe in _all_ researches. If I really wouldn't believe in all researches, in Portuguese, I would use 'double negative', what doesn't exist in English, sorry. I would say "Eu não acredito em nenhuma pesquisa", Juan. I simply translated - literally - what I thought in that moment and doesn't make sense in English, sorry.
I don't think your explanation changes anything. You want to ignore this particular poll because it doesn't paint the americunts in a good light. But the poll is completely consistent with americunt 'culture'. If anything the real numbers are prolly higher.
I was trying to say that not necessarily I believe in all researches, that I don't believe in some of them... Does it sound better now or should I try again? :P
No need. You won't get anywhere =)