On 07/08/2016 12:06 AM, grarpamp wrote:
would be amazing if he made it back home alive.
Alive and well...


And one nutbag properly arrested...


Interesting how mass adoption of internet, phones,
crypto, twitters, etc is bringing multiple independant
civilian news reports with video on any event from around
the world in just tens of minutes to a world of viewers.
Complete with a variety of independant and collective
analysis and feedback into future things.
And the big networks are now sourcing from that.
Big change from just 5-10 years ago.
That part's working.

Yet we still hear "ban crypto" "censor net" "kill p2p".

The first time I ever saw Telnet (the occupation of Courant Physics Institute NYU during the Cambodia/Laos invasion student strike... ALMOST got to take a fireaxe to an Arpanet machine!) I thought Jeez! If you could get US kids chatting with Vietnamese kids the government could NEVER indoctrinate them with the idea that those kids are "Gooks" or "Slopes".

Hasn't happened quite yet, but my one joy is it has become virtually impossible to lie about wars and other state-sponsored mayhem for long. It's caused a certain 'acceleration' of the kind of wars that do get fought before the truth catches up, and in that process, the wars become more brutal, and more obviously illegal under international law, or what's left of international law...
