On 2020-10-28 06:46, Karl wrote:
The rest of things you say appear overstated (partly false) to me. I overstate things too.
I would love to debate rape and sexual harassment with you. We, meaning we white straight Christian males, would love to suppress rape and sexual harassment, but women are not cooperating. The only way to suppress it is to go back to eighteenth century, or better, the very similar Old Testament, law and custom on sex and family, in which the victim and complainant is the man who has rightful authority over the woman's sexual and reproductive services, and her consent is only relevant to her guilt, not to the guilt of the man who had sex with her, or took her behind closed doors. Today's rural Hindu India still has the good stuff, as do some parts of Dar Al Islam. Works fine for them. Ours is not working for us.
I remember when a girl was raped in the bathroom on the floor above me in college.
Men from out of state stood outside it, guarding it, while it happened. That one was real, at least.
And were the men guarding it, and the man who did it, busted? How do you know it was real? If it was real, they got away with it. If punished, unreal, or at least unreal in the sense that white Christian straight males conceive of rape. Everyone can see what is happening with sexual harassment charges. I can see, in a statistically insignificant number of cases, what is happening with rape charges, and data such as the University of Virginia gives me statistically significant confirmation.