// forgot to mention this...

5) another realization upon hearing the 30c3 talk of Jacob Appelbaum
was the 'earth firewall' then indicates that the NSA controls the internet,
and that it is not operating as a subset within it, and instead everything
that occurs is within its domain....

the earlier belief, even in context of Arpanet origins...

    ( "the Internet" (NSA activities) )

when instead, a more realistic scenario in terms of who controls the
technical infrastructure, aka the foundation of cyberspace...

     NSA (the internet)

this makes a world of difference, because then national networks and
technological development occur 'inside' the framework of NSA and it
essentially governs or manages production of equipment, backdoors
installed, and if corrupt, loss of law within that same context that can
and does served warped political goals, attacking political opponents,
dissidents, those against the ruling ideology. technology allowing this.

    NSA (the internet (countrycodes) )

in this way, a corrupt NSA with dictatorial agenda could have established
default control, and enact, develop, extend hidden political organization
via secret or overt manipulations that gain and secure, solidify power yet
which exist beyond law, 'external governance', even within the state itself

    NSA is god, essentially. having rooted earth and its inhabitants.

    // if technical jargon is correct for a non-programmer

   ...and yet does not observe external truth, adhere to or recognize
   shared laws of the state, the US constitution, and other agreements
   that bind the state to its people, in service, versus in exploitation.

in this way, state violence could be automated, mechanized against
populations that somehow believe the NSA is contained and not the
entity doing the containing. like there is an unrecognized role-reversal
by the corrupt entity in a power grab related to hidden, secret US coup

ywips  ispzn   wzqko