11 Jan
11 Jan
8 p.m.
https://meet.jit.si AFAIK it's only SSL-secured, but if you set up your own meet server with a good enough TLS (with no fallbacks to bad ciphers), it might make the cut as a useful and well-engineered VoiP system. I doubt SSH is fast enough without the "High Performance" patches that were never mainlined (sadface!), but you could *try* making the meet server listen only on local ports and require participants to SSH into the server: more secure than SSL/TLS, at least! :) On 09/01/15 22:41, rysiek wrote:
Dnia czwartek, 1 stycznia 2015 08:26:54 Александр pisze:
I haven't found a reliable, usable, simple, free software VoIP client for Linux
Scratch the "simple" part, and you can try to use RetroShare: http://rys.io/en/129