This was back in 201.

I am so proud to be a Bill and Melinda Gates Scholar, Al Neuharth (Founder of USA Today) Freedom Forum Scholar and a Blockchain Scholar. 


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Spring 2011
Gates Millennium Scholars Alumni Association

The Gates Millennium Scholars Alumni Association is a national network of Gates Alumni connected through community, leadership and service.

Meet GMS Staff

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Allison Price recently joined the Gates Millennium Scholars Program in August. She is a Program Assistant in the Leadership Development Programs Division. A recent graduate of the University of Virginia, Allison studied Spanish and Sociology. Her passions include community service activities including local volunteerism and social entrepreneurship.


Pheather Harris recently joined the GMS Leadership Development Programs as the Academic Empowerment (ACE) Senior Relationship Manager

Pheather formerly served as a Relationship Manager on the Operations team. As a Relationship Manager, she oversaw the Graduate Program Inquiry process, allocated awards and assisted with the Freshman Confirmation process.

Prior to joining GMS, Pheather served as an Assistant Director of Admissions at the University of Southern California. Pheather graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Southern California earning a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communication. In 2008, she earned a Master’s Degree in Education with a focus on Risk and Prevention at Harvard University.

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Spring 2011 Quarterly Newsletter

The Alumni Relations staff hopes all of you had a wonderful winter. As we head into the Spring season, the Alumni Association continues to move forward with a series of new events and opportunities for Alumni to to enjoy.

Regional Chapters across the nation have begun launching social and professional events to connect local Alums in the area. The goal of Chapters is to create a platform for Alums to connect both socially and personally. While online social networking websites are great tools, the GMS Alumni family has over 8,000 successful individuals to tap into.

Chapters are also in the midst of planning a winter community service project including local park restoration and cleanup, elementary school repainting, and homeless/soup kitchen support. You can view current Chapters and their locations by clicking here.

If you live in a town or city that is not currently listed but interested in launching an affiliate Chapter, contact us directly. Our goal is to have GMS Alumni community platforms sprouting throughout the country and full of activity with support from GMS Headquarters.

Best wishes for a safe Spring,

                                                                 Lawrence Smith                                                          

                                                                 Relationship Manager
                                                                 for Alumni; Leadership
                                                                 Development Programs

Message from the Association President


After participating in the Virginia and Los Angeles Leadership Development Conferences, I headed back home to Oklahoma filled and renewed with a sense of hope and confidence that this current body of new GMS Scholars will be the nations next leaders.

The majority of us experienced a Leadership Conference during our freshman year. We entered the hotels, many of us from small towns or cities, shy and hesitant about the new faces and what the weekend had in store for us. Though by end of the conference after experiencing academic sessions, leadership development activities, amazing keynote speakers and dinners, staff practically had to pull all of us apart from each other as we clung on to our new friends, hugging, and saying our farewells.

The Alumni Association worked directly with the Program in strategically emphasizing that "GMS life continues far beyond the last check." My Association peer and Vice President, Tommy Preston and I spoke Saturday and Sunday in front of all of the scholars, pressing the importance of leading not only in your classroom but in your respective community and maximizing the relationships we develop with each other. As Tommy so eloquently stated in his speech, "we need to see each other as a large group of cousins in one big family..14,000 in all..across the country, and we just happen to have a rich uncle that funded our education!"

Keep engaged with the Program and your fellow Alums through the Alumni Association!

I wish all of you a happy Spring! Allyson L. Watson, PhD.

Shederick A. McClendon, The New Director of Leadership Development and Scholar Relations!


Shederick brings over 15 years of experience as a higher education researcher and administrator to his new role. Since 2003, he has served as Lecturer and Assistant Professor at the University of Massachusetts -Amherst, in the Department of Educational Policy, Research and Administration’s Higher Education Administration Program. As a full-time faculty member, Shederick taught classes at the undergraduate, master’s and doctoral level, advised and mentored many undergraduate and graduate students and pursued an active research agenda. Some examples of courses he taught are “Race, Class & Gender in Higher Education”, “Impact of College on Students”, “History of American Higher Education” and “Introduction to Politics and Policy Studies in Higher Education.”


Shederick’s research focuses on broad themes that synthesize social, cultural and educational challenges of people who have been historically underrepresented in higher education.  Specifically, issues of access and equity, social stratification, student retention, and leadership undergird his inquiry.


His scholarly writing includes articles published in the Journal of Higher Education,  Peabody Journal of Education and the Journal of College Student Retention and a recently co-authored monograph with John M. Braxton & Amy Hirschy, Understanding and Reducing College Student Departure.


Shederick attended two UNCF member institutions, first matriculating at Oakwood University then transferring to Morehouse College, where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology. He also

received a Masters of Public Health degree in Health Services Administration from the University of Pittsburgh and is the final steps of completing his Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at Vanderbilt University.


Prior to joining UMass-Amherst, Shederick was the Director of Interagency Programs and Research at the Tennessee Higher Education Commission. In this role, Shederick administered federal and state funded grant programs ($1.3 million) across the state to address professional development of K-12 teachers, as well as the recruitment and retention of minority doctoral students and K-12 teachers. He also directed the state’s annual summer enrichment program, the Tennessee Institute for Pre-Professionals, which supports African American college students interested in pursuing careers in law, medicine, pharmacy and dentistry.

L.A. Conference Recap!

alumnigroup 2Alumni Association Advisory Council and potential members participated alongside Scholar Mentors/Campus Based Leaders the weekend of November 5, 2010 at the Century Plaza Hyatt for the 2010 Los Angeles Leadership Conference.

Each year, the 1,000 new Scholars participate in a Leadership Conference their first semester, with the Mississippi River as the dividing line for either East Coast or West Coast participation. New Scholars are taught by Alumni and Scholar Mentors in concurrent sessions, workshops, and panels.

In L.A., Dr. Michael Lomax kicked off Friday night's dinner, encouraging the new Scholars to maximize every opportunity that came their way. Without a heavy education financial burden to bear, Scholars "must take each and every opportunity that comes their way."

Alum Nelson Khov (featured below), GMS Class of 2000 and now Program Coordinator at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, motivated new Scholars to reach back into their communities with a sense of obligation to "give back".

Keynote, Dr. Connie Mariano, M.D., White Physician to former Presidents Bush, Sr. and President Clinton, detailed her experiences of difficulty in transitioning from high school to college, and implored new Scholars to break through barriers and always strive forward. Saturday evening's Keynote, artist Preston Singletary, highlighted to students that his foray into glassblowing, for which he is recognized worldwide, was by happenstance and that Scholars should be open to all of their talents and continue exploring their skills.

GMS Campus Based Chapters Launch!
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The GMS Campus Based Leaders (CBL) Initiative launched with over 30 GMS Campus Chapters in October and November. At the Virginia and Los Angeles Leadership Conference, handpicked Scholar Mentors that also serve in as Campus Based Leaders received training with Alumni Association Advisory Council members on working collaboratively together to advance new and current Scholar support endeavors at campuses nationwide.  (photo: GMS Campus Based Leaders and Alumni Advisory Council members in training)

The CBL initiative seeks to create community platforms on-campus that provide an academic and social outlet for Scholars. Do you recall stepping foot on your first day of college? Perhaps you were overwhelmed by the voluminous material in classes or the inability to find a community of friends? Campus Chapters are formal or informal structures of current Scholars that provide academic and social support.

With 5-75 GMS Scholars on any campus, Campus Chapters provide an immediate circle of support for incoming new Scholars. Campus Chapters also link with their local Alumni Association Regional Chapters by having Alumni visit for informal networking and professional guidance workshops and dinners. 

For more information, contact Relationship Manager for Mentoring {}

Tommy Preston: A Reflection

Tommy 2"This year, I was honored to have been elected to serve as the first ever Vice President of the Gates Millennium Scholars Alumni Association.

The Association’s leadership and GMS staff have been working tirelessly in these early stages to create an association that will reconnect the over 8,000 alums from around the world. Our ultimate goal is that alums will remain connected with GMS and each other for the rest of their lives. Additionally, as I constantly say when speaking to Scholars and Alums, Bill and Melinda Gates created this program not only to provide educational opportunities for students, but also to build our country’s next generation of leaders.

These leaders should be working as a cohesive group, so the Alumni Association is going to serve as a conduit for former Scholars to collaborate with one another, learn from one another, and strategize together as to how we are going to make a difference in our society. I am very excited to see the various Alumni gatherings that are taking place around the country. We are hearing great things from our Regional Advisors who are responsible for bringing the alums together. People are excited about reconnecting with the GMS family and interested in working with fellow alums to serve the program and their communities. I think our Association has a very bright future ahead, and I’m simply honored to be part of the leadership team responsible for creating the vision for our efforts. Participating in the two leadership conferences this year in Virginia and Los Angeles had a huge impact on me.

From a leadership standpoint, I was honored to have the opportunity to address the new Scholars and talk to them about how the Scholarship impacted me and what I felt their obligations as Gates Scholars were. More personally, the students were amazing and gave me such pride in the future of our country. If these students are any indication of what our future leaders will be like, I think we are in pretty good hands. These students make my job as Vice President even more worthwhile, because I feel we have an obligation as alums to be a source of support and strength for them as they go through this journey in their lives. The Gates Scholarship literally changed my life forever. I never questioned whether or not I would go to college. It was ingrained in me from an early age. However, I often wondered how I would pay for it growing up in a single-parent home.

The Scholarship allowed me to focus less on paying for school and more on excelling academically, serving my community, and enhancing my leadership abilities. Because of the scholarship, I was able to be involved in Student Government and eventually become Student Body President of a major university. I was able to create a statewide literacy initiative that has provided books for over 14,000 children in South Carolina. I was also able to achieve success in the classroom and graduate with honors and eventually get accepted into law school. I’m not sure how much of my success would have been possible if it hadn’t been for Bill and Melinda Gates.

Even after graduating from undergraduate school, my commitment to service has never been greater. I was recently elected to serve as the sole Student Member on the American Bar Association’s Board of Governors, becoming the first person of color to ever serve in the position. Additionally, I was elected to serve on the University of South Carolina’s Board of Visitors, becoming one of the youngest members to serve on this Board. This Board is responsible for assisting in recommending the vision for the University and promoting the institution throughout the world. This is a great opportunity for me to give back to my community and alma mater."

GMS Alum launches media and fashion companies


Gunnar Larson, Gates Millennium Scholars Alum, is taking the business world by storm. Initially working at the United Nations in NYC as a video producer, Gunnar has parlayed his experience and business acumen in developing various platforms of business through his first company, Network Global TV, the parent company to multiple website and business venture platforms.

Never one to be satisfied easily, he recently launched the functional athletic/yoga clothing line, Virtu, which just launched at the prestigious Bloomingdales in NYC to rave reviews

1. How has the Gates Millennium Scholarship impacted your life?

Being a GMS Scholar allowed me to go to college.  More than that, in college GMS allowed me to set goals and achieve them.  As such, I earned a first class education and left college with a unique world view.

Being a GMS Scholar also awoke in me an absolute need to give back.


Everyone has something about them that is valuable to the world.  It is our job as GMS Scholars to use our education, find out what we are good at, and then do that one thing very well and give back in every way we can.  I personally feel that was one of the founding missions of the GMS program.


2. You've volunteered as an Alumni Leader at our Leadership Development Conferences, what was your experience like giving back to New Scholars and meeting fellow Alumni from across the nation?

It is inspiring to see new Scholars at the Freshman Conferences. These young people are so alive, so full of energy, so proud to go to college. As a GMS Alumnus it is very rewarding to help these young people by answering questions, giving advice and guidance.

Recently I received an email from a young woman who I met at one of the Freshman conferences. She wrote a very touching note of thanks for urging her to study abroad during a group discussion. It is in those moments that you realize giving of your time can result in very rewarding outcomes for young scholars. It is a pleasure to help in any way I can as an Alumnus.


3. Tell us about your decision in becoming an entrepreneur? Was there a certain moment or experience that served as the catalyst?

I had a very great opportunity to work at the United Nations for a few years after graduating college. Through those experiences and my involvement in all creative aspects of the Webcast Unit, I learned from my mentors and colleagues at the UN that a lot can be done with online video.

There are astonishing things going on in our world today. The Internet connects all of us. Video on the Internet connects us all visually.

My mission with NetworkGlobal Companies is to give our viewers the best in visual information from news, entertainment, travel, cooking, lifestyle… you name it.

Three things impacted my life to be an entrepreneur: My family memories and growing up in rural Idaho, being a Gates Millennium Scholar which enabled me to see the world, and my time at the United Nations.

4. Network Global holds a variety of web properties in its portfolio, tell us about them and your vision to scale for the future.


Again, it is to be the best. It is not about me. It is about us. I want all of us to succeed in everything we do. There is room for more than one success story. As such, I want our content, regardless of subject matter, serious news or entertainment, to stand for something and be the best and most watched.

5. Your high end workout and athletic wear apparel company, Virtu, is carried in NYC's famed Bloomingdales. What market is Virtu demographics and what was your inspiration from media to clothing?

Virtu New York has been a very exciting project. Bloomingdale’s picked up the line last year. Virtu is also sold at select Equinox Fitness Club locations around the United States.

Our mission for Virtu is universal: Virtu is football. Football is the sport of the world.

If you log on to you can see what Virtu is all about.


Another Gates Alum, Nelson Khov, joins the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

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Last issue, we reported that Dr. Juan Sanchez Ph.D, GMS Class of 2000, joined the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as a Research Analyst.

Nelson Khov, GMS Class of 2000 recently joined the Foundation as a Program Coordinator for the Pacific Northwest (PNW) Initiative in the United States Program at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. He acts as a liaison and coordinator for grant-making and contracts support for the PNW program. His role in helping to serve the foundation's local communities in the region also involves assisting with grants management and evaluation.

Before joining the PNW team, Nelson served as the Administrative Assistant to the Chief of Staff in the Executive Office of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for more than two years. Prior to the foundation, Nelson worked as a Recruitment Coordinator for Google in Mountain View, California.

As a native of the Pacific Northwest, Nelson was a Gates Millennium Gates Scholar who earned his BA in Business Administration from Seattle University. Nelson then went on to the New York University, where he completed his MA in Business Education with an emphasis in Learning Development. While in New York, he interned with both the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the William J. Clinton Foundation where he was exposed first-hand to the issue of homelessness, housing and community development, and philanthropy.


Dakota Thompson: Campus Based Leader Thoughts on L.A. Conference


"When I was chosen to go to the LA Conference as a Scholar/Mentor & new Campus Based Leader, I felt very proud, humbled, and thankful for the opportunity. As a freshman, I was anxious to meet new people and learn as much as possible. Returning as a Campus Based Leader strengthened that ability and made me realize that growth, care, and leadership are needed in order to prosper. I look forward to creating a community of Scholars on my campus that will further strengthen our GMS community and


What I have learned and the people I have met during the LA Conference have made a definite impact on my life. I look forward to many more engagements and fulfilling opportunities with the GMS family! Thank you so much!"


Dakota Thompson- Northeastern State University

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