Boss Loses Boxing Match To Rebel Leaders

Round 2

Boss is propped back up on his side of the boxing ring. His bones are broken, and his organs exposed, but he is standing and breathing, with his fists raised again. Some of his powersuit has been replaced by cardboard boxes, and he holds a machine gun to compensate.

Next up is the young child who knows they can melt the heart of their president if the president just learned.

Young Child: "I know you don't really want to let anybody get hurt!"

Young Child raises their fists, and the bell sounds again!

The fists fly again. Poetry is read. Shots are fumbled.

Boss is again laying on the floor, leaking hydraulic fluid and blood everywhere. A child is sitting on him.

Young Child: "No, don't get up! And what did the big bad wolf do to kiss up with little red riding hood next?"

 Boss: "It protected her entire community and put her in charge of all the wolves!"

 Young Child: "And what next?"

 Boss: "It gave her all its money!"

 Young Child: "And next?"