On Sat, 30 Jan 2021 17:50:09 -0600 "\\0xDynamite" <dreamingforward@gmail.com> wrote:
You're still forgetting THE most important thing about all of this.
the most important thing is that the plandemic is fake. Oh wait. If mr. bell were to say that he wouldn't be fullfiling his duties as government propaganda agent. "Novel Coronavirus nCov" LMAO!!! - As if the insane scam wasn't good (or bad) enough, now we have the Insane Scam 2.0 Novel Coronavirus nCov Fucking pieces of shit...
And it's been true for every viral disease in history. In fact, it's the only way the virus gets authority over a larger organism....
As long as you are within a diseased society, be it from lack of Truth, responsibility, or effort from the humans of it, the virus will over-power you, EVENTUALLY, and/or at some time.
the fascist virus of 'authority' is the 'foundation' of your society. Go suck jew g'd cock.
Inject that.