On 2/21/2017 9:46 AM, Razer wrote:
Show me an MSM headline, with link to the article, or any copy from an MSM article and link, that claims Trump was specifically referring to terrorism. They knew very well he was discussing a non-existent crime wave
You are changing your own story. A short while ago you were totally certain Trump had said terrorism. The massive wave of Muslim crime, and especially rape, in Sweden, is glaringly and embarrassingly obvious, another area where Trump speaks the truth, and mainstream media reports fake news. If a Muslim is not murdering infidels, and raping children, he is a bad Muslim. No doubt seventy percent of Muslims are very nice people, but Islam is inherently at war with Dar al Harb, always have been, and always will be. Christians spread their religion by getting non Christians to celebrate Christmas and then wishing them "Happy Christmas". Muslims spread their religion by cutting off people's heads and enslaving enemy women. Over the last thirteen hundred years, many peoples, nations, kingdoms, religions, and such, have tried to find a way to coexist with Islam. None have succeeded. We will not be the first. We will convert, or we will die, or we will kill.