On Sun, 27 Sep 2020 00:10:07 +1000 Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:
As the US empire declines
the US empire isn't declining. It's getting bigger.
and the danger of it's flailing whip tail is handled, let's hope that come November 4th, that the USA is finally permitted to actually talk and negotiate with Russia.
There is a qualitative difference between the US and Russian militaries, which is firmly in the nature of the difference between fighting for empire vs. fighting for your family.
russians are imperialist assholes too, but they operate on a smaller scale. more important, today russia is a vasal state of the US nazis.
There is a righteousness with Russians, inextricable in fact, which is cultural but more importantly a spiritual advantage which today sadly many Westerners
russia is 100% 'western', notwithstanding some asian influence.
struggle to even comprehend, though thanks to Soros' home grown "all American"
tell me about jew oligarchs is russia. You know that there more than a few there no? "NO US serviceman eveR fought in defense of his country, town, family" At least that is partially correct. Of course all US nazis fought in 'defense' of their 'country', that is to say the US empire.