23 Oct
23 Oct
2:21 a.m.
2014-10-22 18:40 GMT+02:00 Georgi Guninski <guninski@guninski.com>:
On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 08:51:39AM -0700, Ryan Carboni wrote:
Global warming is devouring island nations. ... and Ebola is a global threat, according to the black dude in the white house.
Either way islands are dissapearing into the ocean, and people are dying from disease. Multinationals can buy islands still. They might be cheaper if they let them shrink to the size of about one tarp with a letter-forwarding dock/office. I don't exactly see possible pandemics as nothing to worry about it, either. But it doesn't really seem like Ebola is going out of control.