On Fri, 11 Dec 2015 08:38:47 +0000 Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:
Feels like a sell out. I suspect he feels he's being pragmatic.
Privacy is among values “that simply are unsustainable… in the face of the reality of technological change; the reality of the deep state with a military-industrial complex and the reality of Islamic terrorism, which is legitimizing that sector in a way that it’s behaving,” he stressed.
Some notes : RT is a propaganda organization working for the russian state. However, their 'anti western' propaganda isn't ordinary propaganda because what they say (about 'the west') is usually true. RT propaganda takes the form of libertarian criticism (with the caveat of course that it's directed against 'western' states...never against the russian state) I haven't checked the whole interview, but going by the above quote, Assange seems to be forgetting his libertarian (or civil libertarian, whatever) leaning and instead parroting the pentagon/kremlin line on 'islamic terrorism'. But in reality, "the reality of Islamic terrorism," is close to the reality of the bogeyman. Considering the extent of western crimes and imperialism, there should be a lot more 'terrorism' coming from the victims. Oddly enough, there isn't. So one can either believe that captain americunt is saving the universe...or else, the terrorist don't really exist. Except of course as false flag ops.