Modern day indigenous folk, and their cultures, are on the verge of extinction (and mostly extinct), worldwide.

Could you ask your people what they need, to support defending indigenous people?  There are so few of them, there must be a way.

On Tue, Nov 17, 2020, 4:04 PM Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
----- Forwarded message from Gil May <> -----

From: Gil May <>
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2020 05:17:32 +1000
Subject: mtDNAshow at least 15 different races occupied Australia long before theIndian
        aborigines arrived.

*mtDNA show at least 15 different races occupied Australia long before the
Indian aborigines arrived.*

Andrew Bolte’s words (16/11) further highlight the complaints industry, the
fanatical complainers always want to complain about something, best we
ignore them as they will never be satisfied.  There are better things to
discuss in life.

Andrew highlights the words of Premier Berejiklian, but she does not
understand history, The Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
in Leipzig, Germany, analyzed genetic variation from across the genome from
aboriginal Australians. Their DNA findings prove substantial gene flow from
India to Australia 4,230 years ago — the current aborigines migrate here
from India as proven by mtDNA, 141 generations ago.

They are not and never were the nations first people, there have been
numerous occupations of other people long before the Indians, other
scientific mtDNA studies by Mark Stoneking & Allan Wilson of University of
California, Berkeley, showed that at least 15 different mtDNA lineages
colonized Australia. That’s is people from 15 different races, long before
the current Indian aboriginals arrived.

The story of being the nation’s first people is disproven by modern mtDNA
science, the continued use of that disproven phrase is false advertising
and deliberately misleading.

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