https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/09/racine-county-judge-gags-election-f... Racine County Judge Gags Election Fraud Whistleblower Harry Wait at First Hearing in State’s Prosecution against Popular Activist By Jeremy Segal Published September 9, 2022 at 12:25pm Comment Harry Wait, a Wisconsin resident concerned about the integrity of elections conducted a citizen sting operation to expose security vulnerabilities in the state’s absentee ballot system that could lead to widespread election fraud. Wait is now being prosecuted himself for two counts of Election Fraud and Unauthorized Use of an Individual’s Personal Identifying Information for his actions. Wait ordered eight ballots in names which he had permission from and one in the name of Robin Vos, Speaker of the Wisconsin General Assembly, and another in the name of Racine Mayor, Corey Mason, through the state’s MyVoteWI.com website. Wait, did in fact, receive some of the requested ballots in the mail at his home. Wait then provided all the evidence, including the evidence necessary for the state to charge him with voter fraud and offered to turn himself in to the Racine County Sheriff Christopher Schmaling. TRENDING: BREAKING UPDATE: Up to 50 Trump Supporters Have Homes Raided by DOJ-FBI Across the US (VIDEO) Schmaling declined to press charges and instead called on the Wisconsin Election Commission to remedy the obvious flaw in their system. The Journal Sentinel writes: In response to the crimes by Wait and others, Schmaling called on state elections commissioners — whom he has previously recommended criminal charges against for voting rules they recommended for nursing home residents during the coronavirus pandemic — to take down a feature on the commission’s website to help voters request absentee ballots. Schmaling characterized the plot as “complainants who have reported apparent vulnerabilities” on the website. He said one person who had come forward had “tested this vulnerability and had a second party request their ballot and had that ballot sent to the second party’s address.” “The second party was successful in obtaining the first party’s ballot,” he wrote in the statement. He said another person requested ballots for “prominent government officials” and others around the state. However, the state did not approve of nor thank Wait for his efforts to ensure elections in Wisconsin would be free from risk of fraudulent ballots being cast. Instead they chose to fully prosecute Wait. Wait appeared before Judge Robert Repischak (appointed by Former Governor Scott Walker) on Thursday in a Racine County Courtroom packed with supporters, where he was issued a $2500 I-Bond. Judge Repischak initially placed protective orders preventing Wait from speaking to or about the people he had ordered ballots for. However once the hearing was concluded and the judge noticed Wait answer questions with the press, he fully gagged Wait, barring him from speaking about details of the case at all. Here’s the moment that led up to the gag order. Judge: “I’m not going to have you litigate this case to the media.” Wait: “Sir, I am not litigating this case in the media… I’m objecting that’s against my first amazement right.” https://t.co/f5WaS9CKrH pic.twitter.com/DUD2tUPjGO — Emilee Fannon (@Emilee_Fannon) September 8, 2022 Wait told The Gateway Pundit “I feel he [the judge] has overstepped his authority, we still live in America and I still have my first amendment rights.” Wait said, he is not unhappy about the gag order, and that “history favors the prepared,” but also that “it is very hard for me to not about something when I have a first amendment right to talk about it.” Gag orders have been legitimized by courts to prevent tainting jury pools, however, in many cases the accused are the only ones barred from speaking publicly about details in their case. Evidently the courts do not maintain the same fears when the accusers or anyone else in the media exercise their first amendment rights against the accused.