On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 1:20 PM, Kurt Buff <kurt.buff@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 10:02 AM, Stephen D. Williams <sdw@lig.net> wrote:
> Everything will be run in the cloud and browser because it is, overall, a
> better computation model.

Certainly that's the current bias, but web  browser as platform isn't
really all that it's cracked up to be, IMHO - all browsers suck, and I
don't see them getting better any time soon, especially if they run
javascript and plugins.

>  However, that doesn't preclude you from running a
> cloud locally.

Certainly better than public/commercial clouds - at least until proven
encryption becomes the norm.

> Although pretty much proprietary to Google & Amazon until
> recently, Docker et al and related VM/container management APIs that are
> mappable to all kinds of implementations will allow apps, administration,
> networking, etc. to be fluid between commercial and various types of private
> clouds.
> In a lot of ways, this is an elegant solution and could arguably be much
> more secure than desktop apps in Windows.  Assuming your container system
> isn't running in Windows, which is becoming an option; one that I won't
> trust easily.

Eh - good sysadmins with good managers/policies can secure Windows
just fine, though I do like jails under FreeBSD...


There's data, metadata and computation.

Homomorphic encryption is one part of the solution which fits in with least priv / least authority software engineering.

Running your own infrastructure provides a false sense of security, anyway, benefits over cloud are likely an illusion.

