Oddly, I just looked at my browser's (Yahoo) spam folder, and I noticed that all the messages from grarpam were there. I did not do that, and certainly not intentionally. At least as far back as Nov 13. Presumably all messages before that got auto-deleted from the spam folder. Anyway, thanks for the backup. Jim Bell On Monday, December 17, 2018, 9:48:55 PM PST, grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
creating a tool to murder people
No. AP is really only invoked as legitimate defensive action to aggression, as would any other existing and well calibrated natural response to same. Most fail to recognize the important early mechanism of AP... that *well* before such defensive measures need or are ever applied, before any exact prediction is made, an AP system properly acts in its native form as a strong and escalating *discouragement* to those considering or acting out various levels of aggression, theft, force, murder, etc upon others. Simply put, any would be aggressor would be crazy to risk continuing down a course of action that might attract any number of rational funders and predictors into the market. For the vast majority of situations, the very few proof of functions warranted upon defense aside, AP could be a rather effective and in fact nonviolent tool for change for the better Two other often noted scenarios are... - Boss equivalents playing game of Mutual Assured Destruction among themselves... often a generally pointless expense to begin with. - Random statistical noise of cheap / easy predictions accepted by nutbags, crack addicts, oppurtunity, fame, etc. That's the game called life, no different than all of history, AP is agnostic and moot there. Try funding predictions for mental and physical healthcare, work, housing, defense, whatever, to lower those rates of occurance.