2022-03-21 thru 2022-03-27: [X] Week 1 of Wim Hof Cold Protocol, 30 seconds cold water daily. Performed indoors. 2022-03-28 0852 ET: [X] Week 2 Day 1 Shower 1 of Wim Hof Cold Protocol. Performed indoors. It was really, really hard for me to get my body to do anything at all this morning. I ended up in the shower with the water very hot, and just kept it hot as long as comfortable, warming my chest like I learned the day I was strangely cold. My inhibition issues seemed to step in when I was going to turn it cold, and I was worried. When I did, the cold was so intense and it seemed I could barely put my arms in. Then it seemed my 1 minute alarm went off after only a few seconds. I was confused, my hands were spasming and it was hard to work with my phone and direct things, to figure the alarm out. I ended up getting out of the shower, and starting a new one. Checking my alarm was 1 minute. Turning the water hot again. This time when I turned it cold, it was easy. I didn't mind at all and cold water was running down my face and such. It was so easy. When the minute happened I started feeling a deeper kind of chill, which also seemed workable, but I remember the issues I had with my experiences lashing back earlier and I didn't push it past the protocol. It's so inspiring, how easy it became the second time.