----- Forwarded message from Nick Econopouly <nickeconopouly@gmail.com> -----
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 2015 13:55:25 -0400 From: Nick Econopouly <nickeconopouly@gmail.com> To: "Shawn K. Quinn" <skquinn@rushpost.com> Subject: Re: slur: you're going to hate it User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.23+89 (0255b37be491) (2014-03-12)
On Thu, 2015-07-30 at 21:15 -0400, Nick Econopouly wrote:
Paste for those who don't want to load the webpage:
http://slur.io/ Slur: You're going to hate it.
"Slur is an open source, decentralized and anonymous marketplace for the selling of secret information in exchange for bitcoin. Slur is written in C and operates over the Tor network with bitcoin transactions through libbitcoin. Both buyers and sellers are fully anonymous and there are no restrictions on the data that is auctioned. There is no charge to buy or sell on the Slur marketplace except in the case of a dispute, where a token sum is paid to volunteers. - See more at: http://slur.io/#sthash.OsHtOC5o.dpuf" [...]
This is either going to be very good or very bad. Only time will tell which way this goes. I tend to agree. It has potential to incentize the release of more information, or create incentive to hoard information and release it
On 07/30, Shawn K. Quinn wrote: based on the market instead of what is right or wrong.
In general though I think the project won't be moving forward, for several reasons
The service offered by "slur" could easily exist on many DNMs right now anyway-- I know there are sites where you can buy credit cards, etc. Does agora sell digital goods?
The website makes some fantastic claims as well. For instance the claim that information can not be sold twice on the slur marketplace, or that someone could really "prevent other parties from acquiring a copy" by buying it themselves-- Slur is making the mistake of treating IP like actual tangible property that can't be copied.
Also, the functionality of Slur would rely on Arbitrators judging disputes fairly instead of in some other interest
But there really should be a better leaking platform than just sending it to an institution (guardian,wikileaks) or hosting it somewhere on the darknet and hoping people find it
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