On Fri, May 08, 2015 at 10:43:53PM -0700, Kurt Buff wrote:
On Fri, May 8, 2015 at 7:50 AM, Georgi Guninski <guninski@guninski.com> wrote:
On Thu, May 07, 2015 at 11:08:30AM +0200, stef wrote:
plausibly deniably), let me quote twitter:
"watching the watchers" https://icwatch.transparencytoolkit.org/ going over cloudflare, so the watched watchers can watch the watching watchers
Conspiracy theories scale exponentially, even if true ;)
[0] Who watches sheeple? [1] Who watches [0] ... [n] Who watches [n-1]?
A real world implementation of the above is unbounded recursion and will terminate due to lack of resources.
Not if everyone is a watcher.
You mean everyone watches everyone? Strange game this is and technically illiterate people might be dependent on others. If everyone watches proper subset of the others, my argument appears to apply. On second thought since $n$ appears bounded, the recursion appears bounded too.