On Tue, 21 Feb 2017 04:36:28 +0000 (UTC) jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
Reality that Trump tells us, and that Fake News networks will not tell us, is that Muslim immigration has made Sweden the rape capital of the west. Just check Sweden's own rape statistics, which have gone through the roof.
Where are the links to back your claims?
This is a source, but it's from the notoriously hard-right Mother Jones magazine.
And there isn't of course NO PROOF that "rape statistics, which have gone through the roof." Thanks for making my point Jim B. Furthermore as I mentioned "Swedish law has an extremely expansive definition of what qualifies as rape under the law" In other words, the 'rape' statistics from swedish feminazis are a joke. But even taking that into account, there's NO PROOF at all that "rape statistics...have gone through the roof."
So unlike the fascist clown james donald you were able to copypaste a link. Thank you. Your link clearly makes MY points.