On 09/19/2016 08:46 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> Some good points being raised, on sl1shd()t no less:
> https://yro.slashdot.org/story/16/09/18/2023216/ assange-agrees-to-us-p
> What is a traitor?
It is a label indicating a prejudicial, emotional value judgment. Bob
Wilson would probably have said it is a synonym for "a no good shit."
> When is it appropriate to label someone a traitor?
When you want idiots to endorse your intention of kidnapping,
torturing and/or murdering someone for political reasons.
> When is doing so, an attempt at manipulative propaganda?
Every time, as in every other case where a categorically derogatory
label is branded onto someone.
Extreme ignorance apparently excuses anything: I have seen people
call Australian national Julian Assange a "traitor" because Wikileaks
published DNC and HRC e-mail dumps.