On Fri, Dec 30, 2022, 2:40 PM Gunnar Larson <g@xny.io> wrote:
Mr. Bogdan:

Can we get an answer on Brex please?


Gunnar Larson 
xNY.io - Bank.org 

On Fri, Dec 23, 2022, 3:28 AM Gunnar Larson <g@xny.io> wrote:
Mr. Bogdan:

Any news on Brex?


On Thu, Nov 3, 2022, 3:54 PM Gunnar Larson <g@xny.io> wrote:
Dear Bogdan:

Thank you for your email.

We would like to kindly appeal this decision. 

Please find a copy of the corresponding financial disclosure form, that was also included in the FOIL request: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1m1-ikLnjkr7lwt2pKqIxnnUKkgzBz7dh/view?usp=drivesdk

Question 4(a), "Positions of Authority" lists an advisor role at "Brex, Inc." Furthrtmore, the role's "State or Local Agency" is indicated as "DFS."

Our request is not intended to be vague, however, we seek records specific to the DFS role with Brex, Inc.

Sending you the very best regards.

Thank you,


Gunnar Larson 
xNY.io - Bank.org

On Thu, Nov 3, 2022, 3:17 PM <George.Bogdan@dfs.ny.gov> wrote:
Dear Mr. Larson:

My response to FOIL #2022-092039 is attached.

George Bogdan
DFS Records Access Officer

Tracking Number:FOIL-2022-092039-018433