Hey, Trump = Pigasus ;) That always was slaughterhouse humor.
The CPD said they gave Pigasus to a farm but everyone KNOWS they
murdered and bar-b-qued him. Butchers! Assassins!
It was 1968. I was seeing the Dems do exactly the same to McCarthy,
a REAL antiwar candidate they did to their shill Bernie. They
offered us Hubert HUMPhrey... Hillary in a suit, (who just happened
to get another criminal, Richard Nixon erected), and there was
George Wallace.. the redneck governor of Alabama running as dark
horse candidate.
I said to myself: "Self! If we're going to have a warmongering
racist as prezident, the least we can do is elect one we can point
at and say to the rest of the nation: "LOOK AT WTF YOU DID!"."
Well it took 50 years or so, but it's come to pass, while prog-libs
support the idea that "Antifa" is a terrorist organization that
should be destroyed, and then started to LUV Trump as soon as he
gave the generals a blank check to kill as many civilians as they
like in our warS. The activist side of the mass of counterculture is
pretty much gone with the remnants for the most part nihilistic
McCarthy, in retrospect. I could NEVER imagine Burn-e saying
anyhting remotely like this.