Thanks for the links & design pointers. I'll willing to admit that I'm not an expert, but always eager and willing to
learn something new!
[yes I know the lurker finally] I'll try yo keep this brief.
A little history about my background. I was born in the chicago area a dual citizen (American/German[Transylvanian]), from good stock. Ingenuity, design, art, music, and sciences, are some of the traits I share with my family & relatives.
I studied electrical engineering for 3 years in high school (graduated early), then 2 more in college before switching into the computer network field. While in college I worked at the sba patent office, reviewing patents and researching designs.
Going back a little further, when I was a kid I ran a small repair shop, fixing tv's stereos, etc (anything with cord or ran on batteries). I had a real knack for fixing broken electronics so they wouldn't break again.
In the early 80's I got interested in computers and have been online since 1985. I used to be an avid reader of 2600, and frequented the meeting in chicago during the 90's. [I admit I still have my first redbox]. It was also during this time frame I became heavily involved in amateur and cb radio.
The radio experience led me down the path of becoming an On-Air personality, where my first radio program attracted 3 million listeners. :)
I'm not afraid to learn theory and good design before embarking on a new electronics project or any project for that matter. I do admit to suffering from hobby overload from time to time, especially since I'm interested in almost everything. I have learned almost everything I know by reverse
At my present job I am well known for having the ability to reverse
engineer a new technical process, document it and train others.