Democrats Progressives Biden, the Economic Ignoramous, Weaponizers of Keynesian MMT Bankrupting the people, destroyers of free markets, foolish plan to gain re-election through dumping the SPR into people's fuel tanks, gets utterly ignored by real market forces responding to the mayhem created by Politicians... US Gasoline now well above $4.25/gal despite Biden trashing another 3% of SPR down to 575MBbl and under 33 days worth... Willful destruction of capacity, insane green policies, new "windfall taxes" crushing efficiency investment... Global wars over oil and gas, Russia threatens the N-word... Real shadow inflation 15%... Real wages dropping like a rock... $30Trillion plus and growing in debt... $150Thousand plus debt per worker... Theft and censorship of Sovereign and Individuals money... 2Million jobless pennyless nonspeakers politically imported as election voting pawns across the border now subsisting on the government debt dole... Rich Dishonest Politicians Banksters MIL Complex Globalists, all not giving a fuck about the people, that downfall of all nations and civilizations, past, present, future. No worries they say, "TV Shows and Moar Free Shit!" https://open.spotify.com/episode/3U96H8a09pLFHAJyRNRj4O https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0963807 Cryptocurrency 101: Defund the world's Politicians, all of them, permanently. It's time.