https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-45523677 https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/spaceimages/details.php?id=PIA01721 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/226843737_Continuing_inflation_at_T...
This particular satellite is said to have a resolution of 6 meters.
Nobody is going to waste their money launching a pathetic 6m toy that doesn't even match 1990s - 2001 tech. Today's rigs could surely be expected at 60cm to commercial NDA customers, and maybe even at 6cm to their UK MOD government bosses that OP article clearly states paid £21M for spy surveillance and control rights just to "see its offerings". Probably an inside joke on 21M BTC as well. Though it will probably be Cryptocurrency and even Metals that get the last laugh. Consider that Cryptocurrency AnCap's have and will have enough resources to launch their own satellites soon. Keep in mind this was the "low cost" public facade version of greater Beasts A Marking already been launched before, and more to come... "We've done lots of work on the next generation. NovaSAR is just the first in a family of instruments that will offer different capabilities, such as finer resolutions and other parameters; and we will be putting those capabilities on smaller spacecraft than NovaSAR." The satellite, as *presently* configured, will operate in the S-band (3.2 gigahertz), giving a best resolution of 6m with a swath width of 15-20km. Future variants will go to the higher-frequency X-band and sense features on the ground as small as a metre across, *and less*. And that the article comes from the BBC, which is solely licensed and permitted to run at the whim and criminal tax of the self perpetuating UK Government... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BBC The first free live public broadcast from Marconi took place in June 1920, this public enthusiasm was not shared in official circles where such broadcasts were held to interfere with important military communications. Pressure from these quarters was sufficient to lead to a ban on further free Marconi broadcasts. The cost of a television licence is set by the government and enforced by the criminal law. Thus, the BBC is a major prosecuting authority in England and Wales and an investigating authority in the UK as a whole. The BBC carries out surveillance (mostly using subcontractors) on properties (under the auspices of the RIPA Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000) and may conduct searches of a property using a search warrant. To this day, the BBC aims to follow the directive to "inform, educate and entertain" the Sheeple, aka "propaganda, program and distract" "Auntie Imperial" is right.
Can't imagine "anti-freedom" applications for SAR...
designers specifically want to see if it can help monitor shipping activity. the data it provides can help crack problems from illegal shipping
aka: Free Markets and Free Payments amongst peoples of humanity
much smaller pleasure craft. We can certainly see that they are there. One of the main objectives of NovSAR will be maritime surveillance
Of course... with private and charter craft being the only remaining cheap and easy way for free peoples to travel speak and live freely together across broad waters without being tracked, and then censored via torpedo to swim with the fishes.
"It is important to be able to monitor large areas of the ocean - something we don't do at the moment. We all saw with the Malaysian airline crash in the Indian Ocean the difficulty there was in monitoring that vast area. We can do that kind of thing with radar and NovaSAR is good for that,"
Won't someone please think of the children. They trot that shit out everywhere they can, even for a simple fucking satellite. The drugs, terrorists, crime... FHOTI -- Tim May
Known as S1-4, this optical spacecraft will discern objects on the ground as small as 87cm across
Trouble always comes in twos. Here's a link mentioning a bit more about the UK's purposes... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntkYbnokARA