lost in much of the FOIA reform noise of late, is this note: "I understand that H.R. 653 does not allow or require FOIA requesters to obtain IC records or information, without regard to the age of the records or information, if such disclosure would adversely affect intelligence sources and methods." - http://www.politico.com/blogs/under-the-radar/2016/01/house-passes-foia-refo... Diane Roark was the last moral and independent voice on HPSCI, clearly. :/ --- back to the point: "... if such disclosure would adversely affect intelligence sources and methods.", a most excellent qualifier. let's make those sources and methods obsolete! 1. pervasive crypto everywhere. this defeats passive Eve, thus making bulk collection techniques to be no longer sensitive; ripe for FOIA :) 2. end-to-end crypto, with strong verification and ephemeral keying always. this defeats Mallory in the middle, like centralized services and weak suites, thus making middle monkey techniques to be no longer sensitive; ripe for FOIA :) 3. hardened endpoints surrounded by opsec sauce, with habit of continual assessment and improvement. this might get close to defeating ProBurglary: black bags with best in class pull/pivot multipliers. the last and final FOIA Frontier :P want to help my transparency drive? let's break spook kit! are your friends and family using #1? get them to try, by year end. how many at level 2? do you think #3 exists? can we define #3 by year end? best regards,